Capital Tax Recovery is an independent national consulting agency partnered with AccuTax to offer tax recovery services to business owners.

AccuTax utilizes the top tax experts in the country to ensure every business we serve has taken full advantage of every allowable tax deduction in the US tax code.

Considering there are over 50,000 pages of code, and more than 430 changes to the code last year alone, you need a focused team of experts who make understanding the available deductions and changes to the code their top priority.

Our service is not meant to replace your CPA, instead we are here to give business owners a NO-RISK second opinion on whether or not deductions may have been missed. The process is very simple and again, risk free.


Money Magazine asked 50 professional tax preparers 10 basic tax questions. The results were…

  • None of the tax preparers aced all of the questions

  • Only 34 tax preparers were correct on half of the questions

  • Of the 50, only 18 could define provisional income

  • Only six knew the changes to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)

  • Only one knew Tax Exempt Bonds are taxed as ordinary income

Read about what happened

...when Money Magazine submitted a hypothetical family's records to 30 to 50 different tax preparers.



At Capital Tax Recovery, everything we do for our customers is handled with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality. We put our commitment to confidentiality in writing so you can rest assured your tax information is in safe hands.

We provide honest and ethical tax review services by true professionals who are extremely experienced and knowledgeable on the behemoth tax code.

We utilize a detailed tracking system so we know where your review is every step of the way. Furthermore, we will not sell any of your information to any outside party.

Our AccuTax experts will conduct an in-depth review of your tax returns under no pressure of looming tax deadlines. Because we are not under the gun, we can study and research the code as needed to find missed deductions that mean dollars back in your pocket. There are no tricks. No gimmicks. Contact us today for more details and visit our FAQ for more online information. What do you have to loose?


No Risk
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